Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Harvest is Plenty

It's time for a pop quiz!

What did Jesus say after he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plenty but the workers are few"?

With Healing the Heartland approaching fast, we see a harvest that really is plenty. There are many thousands of people in Cedar Rapids that do not know Christ, and many of them will participate in at least one of the Healing the Heartland events.

Compared to the number of non-Christians, the workers really are few, whether the workers are Christians or volunteers at one of the events.

Hmm. Wasn't that what Jesus said? Something about volunteering or stepping up?


Even though I strongly suggest reading Joe's earlier post and signing up as a volunteer, that's not what I'm going to ask you to do.

Healing the Heartland is going to be a great chance for all of us to share Christ's love with this city. There is an enormous harvest available, but the workers are few. That's why I'm going to make a serious request of everyone that reads this. I want you to do what Jesus commanded in Matthew 9:37-38.

I want you to "ask the Lord of the send out workers into his harvest field." Please pray daily, for the next ten days, that God will send out workers into the harvest field of Cedar Rapids.

And if you're willing to pray, please post a comment to let us know you're doing so.

1 comment:

Matt said...

As for me, I'll be praying for workers. I'll also be praying that God will raise up Watershedders to pray for workers.