Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ephesians 1:17-23 Breakout Groups

We had a different sort of activity at our worship gathering tonight. Instead of listening to a speaker, we got to break up into smaller groups and talk through Ephesians 1:17-23. John put together a list of questions to get discussion going, and it turns out there's a lot to talk about in those few verses.

One of the questions was "What is one step you will take this week to align your life with the truth of this passage?" This is one of those dangerous, slightly scary questions where there are a lot of good answers, but most of them take some work and have a very real possibility of leading you to grow spiritually. My one step? At the end of each day, I'll take a few minutes to think through what I did all day, and compare what I did to what I could have done. I'll compare what happened with what could have happened if I had been living in the knowledge that God can and will work in me with the same power that raised Christ from the dead (as it says in verses 19-21).

My hope is that by reflecting on my day, I'll practice really knowing God's power. And then I might start to live out that knowledge.

Comments are open to share insights or your "one step" from tonight's breakout groups.

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